For Bata Plastics, Incorporated, in Grand Rapids, recycling is not just about turning scrap into usable material for manufacturing. Their commitment to the environment extends well beyond.
“We recycled an old Steelcase building,” says Matt Hammond, Vice President of Operations and Sales at Bata Plastics, in describing their newly renovated facility. “We had 920,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing space with no offices, so we put on about 3,000 sq ft of LEED Silver certified office space. We also retrofitted the rest of the building to make it LEED certified.” Read More
The park bench and picnic table placed outside the new Kent County Recycling and Education Center by Cascade Engineering and Bata Plastics isn’t just a convenience: It is actually an educational display.
The table and bench are made of recycled milk jugs that were collected at the county recycling center and then purchased by Bata Plastics, which processes most of the county’s scrap plastic for reuse by companies such as Cascade Engineering, a plastic injection molder of a wide variety of products for industry and consumers. Read More

Bata Plastics Inc. has been notified that its new and renovated buildings on a former Steelcase Inc. manufacturing site at 1001 40th St. SE in Grand Rapids have achieved LEED Silver Certification, using the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED for New Construction version 2.2 rating system. Read More
In the decade since W. Lee Hammond purchased Bata Plastics Inc., the business has grown from a two-person operation to what he calls West Michigan’s largest plastic recycler with 70 employees.
A new alliance with a Grand Rapids furniture company now opens the door for even more manufacturing uses for recycled plastic. Read More
A tough economy makes for good business sometimes for some companies. Bata Plastics is a prime example. The Grand Rapids-based recycler is riding a solid growth wave right now. Among the drivers is the growing use of recycled materials by producers seeking to contain escalating costs. Read More
GRAND RAPIDS — Wouldn’t it be nice to have more people recycle? Lee Hammond, owner of Bata Plastics Inc., a local full-service plastics processor, has come up with a plan to raise awareness for recycling after being challenged by Grand Rapids Mayor George Heartwell. “We are doing alright. We can always do better,” Heartwell told MiBiz of Grand Rapids’ recycling efforts. Read More
Mike Verespej Plastics recycler Bata Plastics Inc. is staying in the Grand Rapids, Mich., area, but moving into a new facility that will boost its warehouse, testing, laboratory and reprocessing space. Read More
A recent partnership established between Ferris State University and Bata Plastics, Inc. of Byron Center is more than a business deal, it’s an environmental act. Thanks to the ingenuity of Ferris faculty and students, and the help of Bata… Read More